Candles and candle holders (7)
Barlume, design candle holder
€51,80 €74,00Hand-blown design candle holder in borosilicate glass. A fine minimal object that calls to mind old individual candle holders. Comes in clear or frosted glass. The best way to have an elegant mise en place...
Eska, flower vase - candle holder in glass
€220,00Eska is both a flower vase and a candle holder in mouth-blown glass with an unusual structure: its perfect silhouette recalls a bait, arising curiosity and interest. Comes with a candleholder accessory in borosilicate glass,...
Glenda, outdoor glass lantern
€255,00Glenda is a wonderful borosilicate glass outdoor lantern that celebrates a special candlelight dinner.An elegant design object meant to stay for emotional dinner lovers searching minimalism any time. Material: 3.3 borosilicate glass Dimensions: Glenda tall: dxh...
Kérasos, Agricanthus scented candle
€45,00 €65,00Non esistono parole per descrivere la sensazione languida e feroce che avevo provato la sera prima, spettatore del Miyako Odori la danza dei ciliegi, quando la misteriosa Geiko, compagna nella mia immaginazione, intoccabile nella sua...
Lampara, oil lamp in glass
€105,00The new oil lamp! Who among us was not fascinated by the light of the lampare - the fishing lights fishermen used to light up the sea at night to attract fish before casting their...
Lie, glass tea light holder
€24,00Lie, Aladdin's pot Small pot-shaped tea light holder. The finest way to brighten your table during a cosy evening. Material: 3.3 borosilicate glass Dimensions: dxh 44x25mm andle l 33mm Suggested song: Hoagy Carmichael, Stardust
Thymus, wild thyme scented candle
€45,00 €65,00A restless Des Esseintes with dull unease decided to daze himself with real fragrances in the hope that this nasal homeopathy would cure him of the little scented posies. He did this in his house...